Kalite peman:T/T
Modèl Pa gen.: 6.024.131-00-000
Brand: kinen
Sèvis Garanti: Plis pase 5 an
Kapasite Solisyon Jeni: solisyon total pou pwojè yo
Cartridge: 35mm ceramic cartridge with a lifetime of durable performance
Variant: Wide range of creative finishes offer personalize living space
Material: Brass construction for maximum durability
Installation: 3 hole installation
Customized: Support customized surface finish services according to customer needs
Kalite peman: T/T
Incoterm: FOB
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Basen mixer, basen mixer tiyo, basen tiyo mixer, basen tiyo miucet, twalèt wobinè basen mixer, lave basen wobinè mixer, basen miucet lò, an kwiv Basin mixer
Basen mixer, basen mixer tiyo, basen tiyo mixer, basen tiyo miucet, twalèt wobinè basen mixer, lave basen wobinè mixer, basen miucet lò, kwiv basen m ixer
Upgrade twalèt ou a ak beny nan dirab ak konpetitif pwi Kinen & mixer douch. Te fè soti nan kwiv solid
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